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Now Available!


Norwood Centre's 60th Anniversary Children's Book and Blanket Set

Introducing Norwood Centre's exclusive 60th Anniversary children's book and blanket. Celebrate with us by purchasing this limited edition set. This is the perfect opportunity to learn more about child development while reading with children.

Registration for Fall Parent Education Groups Is Now Open!

Your child's first and most important teacher is YOU!

 The more you know about early childhood development, the more confident and capable you
will feel as a parent. 

Parent Education Groups Details >

Which Parent Education Group is right for me? >

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Schedule for September - December 2024

Parent and Child Groups

Jumping Gym Time!

Baby and Toddler Time

Preschool Discovery Time

more ...

Parent Groups

Empower U

Empowered Parenting

Handle with Care

Triple P Positive Parenting 

more ...

Head Start

A free community school readiness program for children aged three to five. Give your child a head start!

Support Resources

A self-serve directory of local helping agencies and a virtual community bulletin board for currently offered programs and services.

What parents say about Norwood Centre ...

"My [family support] worker was very supportive and went to great lengths to ensure my family had the support from the program to build a healthy and sustainable situation for us."

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From our blog:

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