What do you want to learn?
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Groups to try if you need help managing your child's behaviour:

Setting Boundaries and Limits with Children
Together with other parents, learn tips to support setting up rules, limits, boundaries, and realistic expectations for you and your child.

Hear Me Out: Effective Communication Between Parents and Children
Learn more about effectively communicating with your child. Topics include: how to listen to your child as well as how to talk with your children so they listen.
Groups to try if you want to learn to be a better parent:

Handle With Care
The Handle with Care group focuses on supporting children’s mental health. We focus on four building blocks, including attachment, relationships with others, expressing emotions, and promoting self-esteem.

Circle of Security
Join this 8 - week group for parents of children birth to 6 years of age. Learn ways to help your child organize their feelings, support your child’s exploration in the world, read and respond to your child’s cues, promote a secure relationship with your child, and so much more!

Understanding Separation Anxiety
Learn why your child might be feeling separation anxiety, and tips to support both yourself and your child through it.

Empowered Parenting
The goal of this group is to promote the health and safety of children while giving parents tools for effective parenting.

Exploring Emotions
Discuss challenges, and successes in navigating emotional development of children. Participants will learn more about their child’s emotions including how to talk to children, how to teach children about emotions, and how to support children through their emotions.
Groups to try if you want to learn about your child's development:

Complete an Ages and Stages Questionnaire
Curious about your child's development? Do an ASQ! The Ages and Stages Questionnaire is a parent completed tool that gives information about a child's development. Parents fill out the questionnaire that asks questions around the key developmental areas, based on their child's age.  ​The results help parents and professionals identify areas of strength as well as areas that need more focus and, most importantly, celebrate the milestones the child achieves as they grow and learn. This tool relies on you as the expert about your child.

Brain Builders
Parents will learn how they can build their child’s brain during their early years. Learn the different development areas and how to support development through play.

Play: The Work of Childhood
Discuss the parent’s role in play and learn how to set up your home environments to keep your children safe, engaged, and growing through play.

Development: Supporting the Whole Child
Did you know, developmental milestones are skills that a child acquires within a specific time frame? Are you interested in information about the important milestones? Join us to discuss resources that will support your child’s development as they master new skills.

Developmental Domains: Learning happens everywhere
Join us to discover how children are building their brains through different play experiences. Let's find out how blowing bubbles can help develop a child's ability to focus, how playing with play- doh has an effect on early literacy skills and how building with blocks strengthens the ability to learn math!

Science in Early Childhood: Understanding your Child's Behaviour
Learn about the science behind your child’s behaviour, and how to nurture healthy, happy relationships with your family.

The Brain Architecture Game
This tabletop game builds understanding of the powerful role of experiences on early brain development– what promotes it, what derails it, with what consequences for society. Learn about Toxic, Tolerable, and Positive stress and how to build a brain!
Groups to try if you need help with routines and common challenges:

Bye Bye Diapers
Come and talk with other parents/caregivers who are ready to start toilet training or with those who are looking to start. Facilitators will walk you through the “ready” signs, and tips and tricks to successfully say “bye bye” to diapers!

Sleeptime Strategies: Solving Bedtime Problems
Parents will discuss common bedtime problems, different approaches to bedtime problems, and how to prevent problems at bedtime and through the night.

Managing Mealtimes: Finding Solutions to Mealtime Problems
Parents will discuss common mealtime problems, encouraging good mealtime habits, managing challenging behaviours at mealtimes, and setting up a mealtime routine.

​Stress-free Shopping with Children
In stress free shopping with children, parents will discuss common shopping problems, different approaches to shopping with children, and making a plan for next time.

Parents as the Child's First Teacher: Setting Successful Schedules
Day-to-day routines can have a huge impact on your life at home with your child. In this session we will discover how to set your family up for success from the moment your child wakes up, to the moment they go to bed. Join us to discuss sleep, feeding, potty training and how to turn our everyday tasks into brain-building opportunities to connect with your child.
If you need help for you:

Empower U
Empower U combines financial literacy programs with a FREE 1:2 matched savings component of up to $500. Through this program, participants experiencing low income take control of finances, reduce debt, and save money. Topics include budgeting, consumerism, credit, home ownership, debt repayment, and much more. Presented in partnership with the United Way and ATB Financial.

Post Partum Support Group
Welcoming a new child can be difficult. This postpartum depression support group is designed to empower parents with knowledge, skills, and support needed to assist them on this journey.
We look to provide a comfortable, safe, and judgment free space where parents are able to receive therapeutic support and speak about their personal experiences with postpartum challenges.