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Making art with your child: Process versus product

Writer's picture: norwoodcentrenorwoodcentre

Process Art: an opportunity for children to create something based on their own ideas. There is no defined “end” product. 

Product Art: an idea introduced to the child with a finished product in mind, usually provided by an adult.  

While many parents and educators focus on the final product – be it a painting, a sculpture, or a completed craft – the true learning lies in the process of creation.

Process art encourages an environment that provides children with limitless choices of what they want to create.

Engaging in open-ended activities allows children to explore materials, experiment in different ways, and make decisions. This not only develops their creativity, but also supports critical thinking and problem-solving skills.  

For instance, when a child plays with clay, the process of shaping it teaches them about environmental awareness and fine motor skills, while the freedom to create encourages independence and resilience in facing challenges.

This focus on the process rather than only the product nurtures a growth mindset, providing children with the confidence to try new things and learn from their experiences.

This is laying a strong foundation for lifelong learning.

By shifting our mindset to celebrate exploration and not just the finished piece, we provide children with vital opportunities to develop not only their skills but their love for learning itself.  

Follow up questions may also help to make process art experiences more meaningful. Questions that provoke thinking and decision-making create a space for essential skills to flourish.

Some examples of thought-provoking questions may be: 

  • How did you decide which colors or materials to use? 

  • How did you feel while you were making this? 

  • What should we do with the artwork you have made? 

Find fun activities to do with your child on our Child Development Activities webpage including Tape and Paint Designs and Create with Playdough.


At Norwood Centre our team of qualified Early Childhood Development Subject Matter Experts work to provide tools that caregivers can use to support early childhood development. We hear you! If you have a question or concern, please ask us. We have a variety of Child Development Activities available on our website, find them at For short-term one-on-one coaching, please call us at 780-471-3737.


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