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- Encouraging Risky Play with Boundaries and Limits
What is Risky Play? Risky play is a form of play where children engage in a thrilling and challenging experience. Risky play can be many things, such as climbing, jumping from heights, rough and tumble play, exploring unfamiliar environments, and playing with tools or other materials that may cause potential risks. Risky play is an important part of a child’s development. It promotes resilience, problem-solving, and confidence. However, as caregivers and educators, we often feel compelled to protect children from potential dangers, which can limit their exploration. The key is to find a balance between allowing risky play and maintaining a safe environment. One way to do this is by encouraging children to make their own decisions and take responsibility for their actions, while offering support and guidance when needed. Here are some strategies to help children engage in risky play within boundaries. Instead of Saying "Be Careful" or "Stop," Try: "I’m here if you need me." Offering your presence without controlling the situation can encourage children to take risks while knowing they have your support. It reminds them that they’re not alone, but also encourages independence. "What’s your plan?" Encouraging children to think ahead about their actions helps them assess risks and outcomes themselves. It teaches them to problem-solve and make decisions based on the situation. "How are you going to get down?" Asking this allows children to reflect on their actions before making a move. It encourages them to think about safety in the context of climbing or other risky activities, without stopping the play completely. Encouragement After Falling or Failing: Falling and failing are a natural part of growth. Rather than discouraging children or jumping in too quickly to fix things, we can encourage persistence and problem-solving. "What can you do differently next time?" This question helps children focus on solutions and how they can improve. It promotes a growth mindset and the understanding that mistakes are part of learning. "Practice makes progress." Reminding children that skills improve with practice helps them stay motivated even when they don’t succeed on the first try. It reinforces the idea that persistence is more important than perfection. "Remember last time, you figured it out!" Referencing previous successful attempts gives children confidence. It shows them they have the skills to overcome challenges, even when things don’t go according to plan. Natural Consequences: Empowering Choice s When we allow children to experience natural consequences, they learn about cause and effect. Giving them choices, while maintaining boundaries, helps them make decisions and accept the outcomes of their actions. Offer Choices: Rather than just saying "no," offer alternatives. For example, if a child is climbing too high, you might say, "You can climb that high, but if you fall, you might get hurt. What else can you try instead?" This gives children the chance to make their own decisions and understand the risks involved. "Accidents happen." When accidents do occur, acknowledge the mistake without creating shame. A calm "Accidents happen. Let’s see what we can do next time" helps children understand that failure is just a part of learning. "What do you think happened?" After a fall or mistake, ask the child to reflect on what went wrong. This helps them analyze the situation and think critically about how they can make better choices in the future. Balancing Safety and Risk Risky play doesn’t mean abandoning safety altogether. It’s about offering the freedom to explore while maintaining reasonable limits. By using these strategies, adults can guide children to assess risks and set their own boundaries. This ultimately promotes physical and cognitive development, as well as confidence and resilience. Read more about Risky Play here . Want to learn more parenting skills? Check out our FREE Parent Education Groups here . At Norwood Centre our team of qualified Early Childhood Development Subject Matter Experts work to provide tools that caregivers can use to support early childhood development. We hear you! If you have a question or concern, please ask us. We have a variety of Child Development Activities available on our website, find them at . For short-term one-on-one coaching, please call us at 780-471-3737.
- Natural and Logical Consequences
Consequences are what happens after your child behaves in a certain way. Consequences can influence how your child behaves in the future. Some consequences can make behaviour more likely in the future. These include positive attention , praise, encouragement and rewards and other things your child likes. Other consequences make behaviour less likely in the future. These consequences are things your child doesn’t like. They might include the consequences you give your child for challenging behavior, like quiet time or loss of privilege. Plenty of positive consequences for positive behavior might mean fewer consequences for challenging behavior. How to use natural and logical consequences? Follow the 3 Rs: Related to the behaviour Related: If your child throws a toy, you take away the toy Not related: you send her to bed early Respectful towards the child and not involving shame or blame Respectful: If your child spills a drink, you say, “Oops, looks like you spilled it, what should we do now?” Reasonable in both the child’s and parent’s perspective Reasonable: If your child gets in trouble at school for not completing a homework assignment, you discuss it with him and agree to cut TV or play time by 30 minutes to ensure the homework is completed. Non-reasonable: you ground him for a month. Tips Use consequences as a response to behaviour: This means using consequences for your child’s behaviour and not using consequences as a response to your child themselves. For example, let your child know the consequence is for hitting or breaking a family rule, not for being a disobedient child. This way your child will feel loved and safe – even when you’re using consequences. Explain consequences ahead of time : If your child knows what to expect and why, they’re more likely to accept consequences and less likely to feel angry about them. For example, "When you don't put on your mittens your hands will get cold." Use consequences fairly, according to children’s needs and abilities: You might use different consequences according to your children’s ages. But if you’ve decided to give your children consequences for challenging behaviour, it’s important to use them the same way for everyone. Even young children will be upset if they see other children being treated differently from them. Keep consequences short, and consistent: Use short and clear instructions, and be consistent with them. If you provided consequences once, and did not provide it the next time, because child is doing the same thing again, just keep repeating and be consistent. It takes time for children to learn. Examples Give them choices. If a child is not cleaning up after playing give them choices, “You can choose would you like to pick up 5 toys, or 4?", or “Would you like to pick up blocks so that I can pick up the cars?” Next time remind, before the play time, “Remember last time we cleaned up, we will clean up this time as well”. If it does not happen, then give a consequence. "I see you are not putting away your toys away like we talked about. The toys you don't put away don't get to come out next time.” Start with giving choices, providing solutions and then the last step is a consequence. A child is trying to climb up the slide when another child is sliding down, you could say “I see you are trying to walk up the slide, but there is another child trying to slide down. You can use the stairs or wait for the other child to come down.” Here we provided an alternative/choices. Read more about guiding positive behaviour in your children here . Want to learn more? Register for a FREE Parent Education Group. Find more information here . At Norwood Centre our team of qualified Early Childhood Development Subject Matter Experts work to provide tools that caregivers can use to support early childhood development. We hear you! If you have a question or concern, please ask us. We have a variety of Child Development Activities available on our website, find them at . For short-term one-on-one coaching, please call us at 780-471-3737.
- 61st Annual General Meeting
Please RSVP with your name, the number of attendees (adults and children), and any food restrictions you have to or by calling 780-471-3737. See you then!
- Making art with your child: Process versus product
Process Art: an opportunity for children to create something based on their own ideas. There is no defined “end” product. Product Art : an idea introduced to the child with a finished product in mind, usually provided by an adult. While many parents and educators focus on the final product – be it a painting, a sculpture, or a completed craft – the true learning lies in the process of creation. Process art encourages an environment that provides children with limitless choices of what they want to create. Engaging in open-ended activities allows children to explore materials, experiment in different ways, and make decisions. This not only develops their creativity, but also supports critical thinking and problem-solving skills. For instance, when a child plays with clay, the process of shaping it teaches them about environmental awareness and fine motor skills, while the freedom to create encourages independence and resilience in facing challenges. This focus on the process rather than only the product nurtures a growth mindset, providing children with the confidence to try new things and learn from their experiences. This is laying a strong foundation for lifelong learning. By shifting our mindset to celebrate exploration and not just the finished piece, we provide children with vital opportunities to develop not only their skills but their love for learning itself. Follow up questions may also help to make process art experiences more meaningful. Questions that provoke thinking and decision-making create a space for essential skills to flourish. Some examples of thought-provoking questions may be: How did you decide which colors or materials to use? How did you feel while you were making this? What should we do with the artwork you have made? Find fun activities to do with your child on our Child Development Activities webpage including Tape and Paint Designs and Create with Playdough . At Norwood Centre our team of qualified Early Childhood Development Subject Matter Experts work to provide tools that caregivers can use to support early childhood development. We hear you! If you have a question or concern, please ask us. We have a variety of Child Development Activities available on our website, find them at . For short-term one-on-one coaching, please call us at 780-471-3737.
- The developmental domains: language development
Welcome to June! Throughout this year, we have been on an early childhood development learning journey together and so far have explored these concepts: · January – parent as a child’s first and most important teacher · February – play, the work of children · March – science in early childhood · April – the developmental domains: social development · May – the developmental domains: physical development This month we are moving onto another critical developmental domain*, language development. Follow us on Facebook and/or Instagram for more information and parenting tips throughout the month. *The developmental domains: social development, physical development, language development, intellectual development, creative development, and emotional development. Isn’t it a wonder how children are born without the ability to speak a single word and yet from their earliest days they start working to communicating with us? Children progress through different stages in language development – from recognizing and differentiating sounds, cooing and babbling, making one-word utterances, to joining words, to making phrases, and finally, to speaking in full sentences. As caregivers respond to young children’s early sounds, facial expressions, and gestures, children begin associating doing these things with social interaction. Eventually, they start to understand that they should use language too. What is the number one way you can help your child develop language skills? It’s easy – expose them to a language rich environment! Talk, sing, and read out loud. Describe what you are doing to your child while you do household chores, tell them what you are buying while you shop, sing a song, read them a bedtime story, read them the news! It doesn’t matter if they understand all you are saying, they are hearing words over and over and will start to learn them. Some parents worry their children will be disadvantaged if they speak a language at home that’s different than what they will speak at school. Learning a second language does not mean your child will fall behind, they may just need more time to learn both at the same time! Multilingual children learn at a young age that they can express their ideas in more than one way and this actually makes them more flexible learners. There are many ways you can help with your child’s language development! Throughout the rest of this month, we will be sharing tips, examples and activities via Facebook and/or Instagram in these areas: Stages of Language Development: All children develop at different rates and ages, but there is a continuum along which language typically develops. If you are curious if your child is meeting these milestones, reach out to one of Norwood’s Intake Facilitators today and ask about an Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ). Relationship building : How does language development help a child create and sustain relationships? Learning to communicate goes hand in hand with building attachment with your child, and with your child building relationships with friends. Receptive Language: Receptive language is the way that children listen to and process the words that you are saying to them. How can you help them develop these skills? Stay tuned and find out. Expressive Language: Expressive language is just what it sounds like: expressing oneself. Together we will find out what you can do to help your child develop the ability to communicate their wants and needs. Literacy and Storytelling : How does reading books with your child help them develop and strengthen their vocabulary? Let’s find out. Building Vocabulary : As your child’s first and most important teacher, YOU have the greatest influence on your child’s vocabulary and how it develops. Check on Facebook and Instagram this month for some “tools for your toolbox” that you can use to support this development. The Power of Open-Ended Questions: An open-ended question is a question that cannot be answered with a yes or no. When you ask your child an open-ended question, you are providing them with an opportunity to build their vocabulary as well as their expressive and receptive language skills. Dual/ Multiple Language Learners : Children’s brains develop and make connections at an astounding rate during their first five years. Because of this, early childhood is the prime opportunity for children to learn more than one language. For fun Language Development activity ideas, check out our Child Development Activities page ! Norwood Child and Family Resource Centre has supported vulnerable children, youth and families in Edmonton for more than 60 years. We provide free programming that supports optimal child development, strengthens healthy relationships and well-being, breaks cycles of adversity, empowers people to successfully navigate change and life challenges, and connects people to communities. Norwood Centre is inclusive and respectful of diversity, recognizing that each family is unique. Our work is strength-based, trauma informed and responsive to the needs of our participants. Our team of qualified Early Childhood Development Subject Matter Experts works to provide tools that caregivers can use to support early childhood development. We hear you! If you have a question or concern, please ask us. We have a variety of Child Development Activities available on our website, including the topics of Social Development, Physical Development, Language Development, Intellectual Development, Creative Development and Emotional Development. Find them at . For short-term one-on-one coaching, please call us at 780-471-3737.
- Play and the Developmental Domains
As we've already discussed many times in this blog (because it's so important) play is an essential part of our children's healthy development. During play, children are using all their senses and improving all of their developmental domains: social, physical, language, intellectual, creative and emotional. Just look at what skills children are learning while 'just playing' at the playground: Social skills: while playing with others, children start understanding social cues, learning to negotiate. Physical skills: running, climbing, jumping, shoveling and dumping sand build strong muscles, body awareness, coordination. Language skills: deciding on games, talking about how to play, asking questions. Intellectual skills: sharing space and toys, solving problems, creating game rules. Creative skills: through make believe play, singing, dancing. Emotional skills: by negotiating, expressing and communicating emotions, practicing self-regulation. So as you can see, the play is not just play! All the games and activities are vital to laying the foundation for our children’s future and formal education. The next time when someone asks, ‘What are your children doing all morning?’ and you answer, ‘they are just playing,” that answer will have a different value in it, and you will start noticing all the wonderful learning that is happening during the play. Read more about learning through play in these blog posts: Children don't need fancy or expensive toys to learn Environment is the third teacher What is risky play? Is my child safe? Come play with us! Join our drop-in Parent and Child play groups every weekday. Find the schedule and more information here . Stay up to date with play group schedules, parent education classes and more by signing up for our newsletter here . Norwood Child and Family Resource Centre has supported vulnerable children, youth and families in Edmonton for more than 60 years. We provide free programming that supports optimal child development, strengthens healthy relationships and well-being, breaks cycles of adversity, empowers people to successfully navigate change and life challenges, and connects people to communities. Norwood Centre is inclusive and respectful of diversity, recognizing that each family is unique. Our work is strength-based, trauma informed and responsive to the needs of our participants. Our team of qualified Early Childhood Development Subject Matter Experts works to provide tools that caregivers can use to support early childhood development. We hear you! If you have a question or concern, please ask us. We have a variety of Child Development Activities available on our website, including the topics of Social Development, Physical Development, Language Development, Intellectual Development, Creative Development and Emotional Development. Find them at . For short-term one-on-one coaching, please call us at 780-471-3737.
- The developmental domains: creative development
The children in this photograph are exploring the creative domain and building bigger, better brains by communicating, negotiating, problem-solving, exploring, and expressing their creativity while they work together to create a group art project. Welcome to August and our exploration of creative development! Over the past few months, we have been exploring the developmental domains: social, physical, language, and intellectual development. This month we will examine the importance of the creative domain, what it is, how it develops, and how adults can promote creative development in children. Creative development involves exploration, self-expression, decision-making, problem-solving, and applying knowledge. The beauty of creative development is that there is no right or wrong way for children to experience, take part in, grow, and explore their creativity! Creativity opens us up to new and endless possibilities. In no other developmental domain are children as free to express themselves as when they are developing through creative outlets. When we think of creative opportunities, we tend to think of art centers and classes with plenty of crayons, markers, paper, scissors, and paint; but did you know creative development goes beyond the everyday arts and crafts table? We can express our creativity through things like colour, marks we make on paper, how we group items and fit shapes together, how we use our voices and choose words, how we move our bodies, think about complex ideas, and solve problems. Try thinking creatively and supply natural materials for children to create with. Not only will you be providing nontraditional materials, but you will help your child to foster an appreciation of the natural world. At Norwood Child and Family Resource Center, we strive to provide time, space, and materials to children to help build their potential within the creative domain. We do this because we recognize the many beneficial and positive impacts these opportunities have on children. In this image, you can see how two different children can be playing with the same objects, and both will create something different. This month, our social media posts will focus on and support four main areas: Social influences on creativity: how family, culture, and environment affect creative thinking and how children express themselves. Creative self-expression: how children choose materials and how they use them to invent, imagine, create, test, and build theories. Creativity and problem-solving: how creative thinking supports problem-solving, for example: finding out how things may or may not work and trying out new ideas and different ways of thinking. Creativity and divergent thinking: children can engage all their senses through exploration and discovery by not focusing on one correct way to accomplish a goal (the value is in the journey, not the destination). This child is using her creativity to solve a problem she's having with her blocks. She found two blocks of similar height, but one is too thin to balance and will not support her bridge. She used creative thinking to solve the problem by stacking smaller blocks to make a support of similar height. Creativity can be encouraged just like any other skill. To create an environment that assists in developing creative thinking, keep in mind the following: Time: allow ample time for children to explore, manipulate and come up with new ideas. Give supportive and positive feedback: create a safe place for children to make mistakes and treat those mistakes as an opportunity to try something new. Limit adult expectations: allow children to explore and manipulate in ways that excite THEM, create experiences that use time, space, and materials together, and limit restrictions and restraints to encourage creative expression and problem-solving. Respect choice in creativity: some people like to paint while others would rather dance and still others like to use words. Some people prefer designing the building; some prefer building it - both are expressions of creativity. Emphasize process over product: ask open-ended questions to show your interest and encourage children to think about what they are doing and why. For example, you might ask, “did you enjoy this? What was the most exciting part for you?” Exploring and trying new things will not only broaden your child's experiences and build their creative abilities, but it will also benefit yours! Remember, everything that children create has worth and is valuable beyond measure. For fun Creative Development activity ideas, check out our Child Development Activities page ! Norwood Child and Family Resource Centre has supported vulnerable children, youth and families in Edmonton for more than 60 years. We provide free programming that supports optimal child development, strengthens healthy relationships and well-being, breaks cycles of adversity, empowers people to successfully navigate change and life challenges, and connects people to communities. Norwood Centre is inclusive and respectful of diversity, recognizing that each family is unique. Our work is strength-based, trauma informed and responsive to the needs of our participants. Our team of qualified Early Childhood Development Subject Matter Experts works to provide tools that caregivers can use to support early childhood development. We hear you! If you have a question or concern, please ask us. We have a variety of Child Development Activities available on our website, including the topics of Social Development, Physical Development, Language Development, Intellectual Development, Creative Development and Emotional Development. Find them at . For short-term one-on-one coaching, please call us at 780-471-3737.
- Parenting Ins and Outs for 2025
What skills and lessons are you taking into 2025? What are you leaving behind? Here are some ideas for the parents and caretakers out there! IN: Practicing selfcare and asking for help. If you are happy and healthy you are better able to care for your children. No-one can do it on their own, asking for help when you need it is okay! Read more about self care and find some ideas in our blog posts here and here . Encouraging messy play, risky play , and outdoor play. Playing in the mud or with paint supports the development of their motor skills as well as their intellect and creativity. Climbing trees or other “risky” activities supports their physical development, builds confidence, and helps them understand the limits of their bodies. We challenge you to spend more time outside in 2025, even if it is cold (within reason) or rainy! Doing an Ages and Stages Questionnaire. Have you ever wondered about your child's development? Is your child achieving all developmental milestones? Complete the Ages and Stages Questionnaire with one of Norwood's staff. All children develop at their own pace. The questionnaire can be used to identify areas of strength as well as areas that need more focus! Ask a Norwood Centre staff member for more information . Reading with your child. Reading with your child supports their language development, their imagination and much more! Don't have many books at home, library cards from the Edmonton Public Library are free! OUT: Mom (or dad) shaming. Parents are the experts of their children, and there is no single “best way” to raise a child. In 2025 we would like to see less judgement of other people’s parenting. Baby food pouches. Most baby food pouches contain high quantities of sugar and either low or zero protein, which is needed for healthy development. For more information on choosing healthy food for your baby, see the tip sheet on our website Excessive screentime. While appropriate and limited screentime can be a useful tool, the Canadian Pediatric Society recommends zero screentime for children under 2 years old, less than 1 hour of screentime for children 2-4 years old and less than 2 hours of screen time per day for older children. Find out more about balancing screen time on At Norwood Centre our team of qualified Early Childhood Development Subject Matter Experts work to provide tools that caregivers can use to support early childhood development. We hear you! If you have a question or concern, please ask us. We have a variety of Child Development Activities available on our website, find them at . For short-term one-on-one coaching, please call us at 780-471-3737.
- What is an Ages and Stages Questionnaire?
The Ages and Stages Questionnaire is a parent completed tool that gives information about a Contents of an ASQ kit to assist parents and Norwood Centre staff in completing the development questionnaire. child's development. Parents answer questions around the key developmental areas, based on their child's age, and a Norwood Centre staff member guides the parents through the results. Children do not develop at the same pace, and this tool can be used to track a child’s progress, and ensure they are developing in all of the areas they need in order to reach their fullest potential. The results help parents and professionals identify areas of strength as well as areas that need more focus and, most importantly, celebrate the milestones the child achieves as they grow and learn. This tool relies on you as the expert in your child’s life. Based on the answers that you have provided Norwood Centre's program staff can recommend fun, play-based activities that will target development areas that may need further support, or make referrals as needed. There are two kinds of questionnaires: Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ-3) This provides you information about your child across five developmental areas: communication gross motor fine motor problem-solving personal-social Ages and Stages Questionnaire: Social Emotional (ASQ: SE-2) This provides you information about your child’s social and emotional development. The best way to track development with these tools, is to complete the questionnaires regularly. It is recommended that parents complete the ASQ-3 every 4 months in their child's first 2 years of life, and every 6 months until they reach the age of 5. The ASQ: SE-2 can be completed every 6 months. Talk to a Norwood Centre program staff member today if you are interested in completing an Ages and Stages Questionnaire for your child! At Norwood Centre our team of qualified Early Childhood Development Subject Matter Experts work to provide tools that caregivers can use to support early childhood development. We hear you! If you have a question or concern, please ask us. We have a variety of Child Development Activities available on our website, find them at . For short-term one-on-one coaching, please call us at 780-471-3737.
- How Can I Prepare for the Holiday Break?
(Updated November 28, 2024) The holidays are a wonderful time of year but it can also be very stressful with lots to do and having our children home with us, so we have put together some information to help you prepare for this holiday season! Develop a Routine The first thing you can do is create a routine for you and your family over the break while everyone is home. Keeping a consistent routine helps things run smoothly and helps your little ones know what to expect from day-to-day! When you are creating your routine it’s a good idea to involve your children. This will give them an opportunity to ask questions so they understand what will be happening beforehand and what will be expected of them. You can sit down and talk with them about the routine you’ll be following over the break and utilize this opportunity to communicate the expectations you have for their behaviours while they are at home. That being said, keep in mind children need lots of reminders and they may not meet all of our expectations on the first few tries. If your family has a hard time with routines, you can use images to create a visual schedule on a wall or even the fridge, as long as it’s a place where everyone can see it. This can support your children in following the routine you have set up. Prepare Activities Second, we can prepare activities to keep our children entertained and occupied while you’re home for the holidays. Children get bored quickly, so having activities prepared in advance means you won’t be scrambling to find something to do while also trying to manage everything else on your plate during the break. You can also put these activities in your routine/schedule so your children are able to see what’s going to be happening day-to-day over the holiday break. First, you’ll need to decide which indoor and outdoor activities you’d like to do. You can do this with your children to get them excited for the holiday break! Next, you’ll need to gather the supplies. Do you need to get more arts and crafts supplies from the ReUse Centre, find the sleds or buy ingredients to do some Christmas baking? Gathering supplies for the activities you’ve chosen means you won’t have to do it later and they will be ready to go when you need something to do! Lastly, enjoy, everything is done, now you can enjoy time together as a family! There are also lots of free or low-cost activities you can do as a family and there are lots of free or low-cost events happening all over the city you can attend! Plan both indoor and outdoor activities. We have included a list of activities and events you can do together as a family below! Create a Self-Care Plan The next thing that can help reduce stress over the holiday season is to create a self-care plan to make sure you are taking enough time for you during all the holiday season chaos. The first thing you can do to practice self-care is schedule in time for self-care into your daily routine. This will help to ensure you are taking time to care for yourself at least a little bit every day!1 You should plan to take 5-15 minutes every day to engage in some self-care. This could be reading a book, having some quite time before the children wake up/after they go to bed, having a friend over for coffee, journaling, cleaning, going for a walk, and so much more. Another way to prepare is to plan some alone time for yourself. Having our children home more than usual can be stressful, even if we’re prepared and it’s important to dedicate some time for yourself too. Ask friends or family now if they can support you by watching your children for a few hours or even a day if they are able too. You can also access the Bissell Centre and Kids Kottage respite programs as they will be open during the holiday break! Having a plan in advance can help limit the stress of trying to find childcare when you really need a break and can help limit the stress you are feeling leading up to the break because you’ll know you have time to rest and recover. Lastly, we have put together a list of free/low-cost activities, free/low-cost events happening around Edmonton and we have included resources you can access if you need support over the holiday while Norwood is closed. Resources 211 For complete information on social, community, health and government services in Alberta, dial 211 811 For health information, simply dial 811 988 If you're having thoughts of suicide or are worried about someone you know, simply dial 988 911 For emergencies dial 911 Check out our resources page for more supports. December Activities If you’re looking for some fun family activities to get up to this December, check out Family Fun Edmonton’s Holiday Event Guide Holiday Events in Edmonton | Family Fun Edmonton ( ) Winter Fun (Sledding) Looking for some sledding hills around the city here is a link to Curiosity’s 10 Great Hills for Sledding 10 great hills for sledding to check out around Edmonton ( ) You can check the conditions of the hills and outdoor skating areas on the City of Edmonton website Toboggan Hills | City of Edmonton Skates and Sled and other sport equipment Skating Around the City Outdoor Skating and Ice Rinks | City of Edmonton Where to Skate for FREE In and Around Edmonton - Modern Mama Looking to get outside with your little one into the fresh air especially on a beautiful winter day. Check out some links below to find an Edmonton winter adventure such as adding to snowman to the snowman army in Louise McKinney Park to voting on ice sculptures at Ice on Whyte or even participating in the legend of the Flying Canoe festival and more. Edmonton Public Library The Edmonton Public Library has various locations around the city with events for all ages. Libraries are closed December 25, 26 and January 1 but are otherwise open. Hours vary by location. Find the library that is closest to you at this link . Resources Winter Clothing Need a Coat? If you are looking for a coat, please call 211 or call 780-482-4636 (INFO) to find the agency distribution depot closest to you. Coats are not distributed by United Way directly to the public; all coats are distributed through various community agencies throughout the Alberta Capital Region. Society of Saint Vincent de Paul. This program provides free clothing donations for individuals and families. The phone number is 780-471-5577. They are open Mon-Thurs, 10:00am to 12:00pm. Family Futures Resources Network FREE coats and winter items for all family members while supplies last. Call to find out more 780-413-4521. Jasper Place Family Resource Centre This program offers a children's clothing exchange. 780-479-4504 They are open Mon-Fri, 8:30am to 4:30pm Elizabeth Fry Community Resources Program Has a clothing closet for Women. Hygiene kits as available which can include shampoo, soap, deodorant, menstrual supplies. As well of as other supports and resources. Other Clothing Resources (South Edmonton) Thrift Stores are a great option for low-cost Winter Clothing. Some thrift stores will give coupons or discounts when you donate items. Bissell Thrift Shop Value Village The Salvation Army Thrift Store More Than a Fad The Mustard Seed Thrift Store Food Find recipes, a schedule of free community meals and community supports ( including Bread Runs ) on the Edmonton Food Banks website . Childcare over winter break Bissell Centre's Early Childhood Development Program provides full-time childcare as well as adrop-in/respite program that provides low-income families with free temporary childcare. Spots need to be reserved 1-2 days in advance. Bissell Centre is closed December 25, 26 and January 1, but are otherwise open for their normal hours: Weekdays from 8:30am - 4:30pm. Call 780-429-4126 to learn more. Kids Kottage's Crisis Prevention Shelter offers emergency respite to families in crisis by admitting their children from birth to the age of 10 for up to 72 hours, free of charge. For more information call: 780-944-2888
- Low/no cost costume ideas for children
Halloween costumes do not have to be expensive! Here are some do-it-yourself, low-cost costume ideas. Each idea can be as simple or complex as you choose. Raid your child's closet and the recycling bin, add glitter, a hat, face paint and take the costume to the next level! A Dollar Store or Value Village are also great spots for low-cost supplies. Piece of candy – clear wrapping paper, string, and colorful shirt underneath. Grapes – balloons (green or purple), green pipe cleaner, construction paper. (WARNING - balloons are a choking hazard, use with caution) Cloud – t-shirt/cardboard, pillow/toy stuffing, string, construction paper, glitter (optional), glue (for the stuffing and glitter if desired). Rainbow – construction paper OR colorful clothing (add cloud slippers). Cat – all black clothing, make ears out of a headband and construction paper, eyeliner nose and whiskers. Ghost – bedsheet, sunglasses/hat/scarf/etc. (optional). Thomas’ snowsuit – snowsuit. Mummy – white streamers. Flower – flower headband using glue and construction paper (glitter optional. Cut out flower petals, use glue to attach to headband, wear a skirt/dress the same colour or all green clothing (like a flower stem and leaves) Emotions – t-shirt/cardboard, sharpie/fabric paint/fabric pen. Superhero in disguise – wear normal clothing and use a bedsheet as a cape, fake glasses/make a mask using construction paper, superhero shirt underneath another shirt/button up. Teddy bear –brown/black clothing, headband and construction paper to make the ears, construction paper tummy. Robot – save paper towel rolls and other cardboard, grey/silver paint, construction paper, buttons/dials/level indicators/etc. Crayon – same colour shirt, pants, and construction paper, sharpie, glue/tape to make a hat. Chef – apron, make chef's hat out of construction paper, wooden spoon. Construction Worker – safety vest, boots, hard hat, toy tools. Scuba diver – black pants and long sleeve shirt, swim goggles, breathing mask (jar or container lid), tubing (vinyl tubing from hardware store, thick string) and oxygen tank(s) (old 2L pop bottle, pasta sauce bottle), fabric/ribbon/rope to use as straps, glue. Glue one end of what you are using for your breathing tube to the item that will be your breathing mask and the other end to what will be your oxygen tank. Next you will take two pieces of string to make straps for the oxygen tank, make sure you cut them to be the same length, attach one side of each piece of string to the top of your tank (this would normally be the bottom of the bottle but it is flipped for this costume) one on each side, then repeat for the bottom, once you have completed this you will have straps so you can wear your tank like a backpack. Check out our Instagram for a short tutorial on this costume!!! Farmer – jeans/overalls, plaid shirt, bandana, hat, stuffed animal. Waving tube man – cat toy tunnel, t-shirt the same or similar colour as the tube, sharpie, scissors, clear plastic, glue. Stand or lay next to the cat tunnel and mark where you will need to cut hold for your arms and eyes (make sure you leave some extra space for your feet so you aren’t tripping over your costume all night), draw on eyes, use glue and the extra fabric to create the arms. Wind up Doll – cut a key out of cardboard, add a ribbon or strings to wear the key like a backpack. Ninja – black shoes, pants and long sleeve shirt, black ski mask, red scarf to tie around waist as a belt. Dragon – plain baseball hat, bed sheet/large piece of fabric (main colour of the dragon), felt (white for eyes and teeth, and a second colour for the dragon), glue. Glue the sheet/fabric to the hat, cut the sheet so that it hangs down in the back – this is the back and tail of your dragon – you can cut the sheet so it can be worn like a backpack, or let it hang down from the hat as shown in the photo. Use the white felt to make the dragons eyes on the front of your hat and add teeth to the brim, then take your second colour of felt to create spikes and spots down the dragons back. Angel wings - Duck - paint a baseball hat into a duck bill, wear clothes that are the colour of a duck. At Norwood Centre our team of qualified Early Childhood Development Subject Matter Experts work to provide tools that caregivers can use to support early childhood development. We hear you! If you have a question or concern, please ask us. We have a variety of Child Development Activities available on our website, find them at . For short-term one-on-one coaching, please call us at 780-471-3737.
- S.P.L.I.C.E : the six areas of child development
There are many areas that make up a child’s whole development. These areas of development can be easily remembered by the acronym S.P.L.I.C.E, which stands for: · Social Development Social development refers to how a child interacts with those around them and their ability to create and sustain relationships. · Physical Development Physical development refers to the development of your child’s gross (large) and fine (small) motor skills. · Language Development Language development refers to your child’s receptive (listening) and expressive (speaking) skills and their beginning understanding of words and print. · Intellectual Development Intellectual development refers to your child’s developing brain! This includes the development of understanding of cause and effect (If I do ___ then ___ happens), the organizing of thoughts, feelings and ideas and their understanding of the world around them. · Creative Development Creative development refers to your child’s ability to think creatively, use their imagination, create with various mediums of art and see the world not just for what it is, but for what it could be. This could be through art, drama, imaginative play-the sky is the limit! · Emotional Development Emotional development refers to your child’s ability to regulate their emotions, “bounce back” from challenging situations and understand and process their emotions and the emotions of others. We know that every child develops at their own rate and pace, but are you wondering how you can support your child in these areas of development? Check out our activity sheets created by our skilled team of Early Childhood Educators here . Norwood Child and Family Resource Centre has supported vulnerable children, youth and families in Edmonton for more than 60 years. We provide free programming that supports optimal child development, strengthens healthy relationships and well-being, breaks cycles of adversity, empowers people to successfully navigate change and life challenges, and connects people to communities. Norwood Centre is inclusive and respectful of diversity, recognizing that each family is unique. Our work is strength-based, trauma informed and responsive to the needs of our participants. Our team of qualified Early Childhood Development Subject Matter Experts works to provide tools that caregivers can use to support early childhood development. We hear you! If you have a question or concern, please ask us. We have a variety of Child Development Activities available on our website, including the topics of Social Development, Physical Development, Language Development, Intellectual Development, Creative Development and Emotional Development. Find them at . For short-term one-on-one coaching, please call us at 780-471-3737.